
About Program
BPI School Programming known as Sawubona. Sawubona is a “ Zulu greeting... It means:
“I see you, you are important to me and I value you.”
More than words of politeness, Sawubona carries the importance of recognizing the worth and dignity of each person.
This name was chosen to bring awareness to parents and students that as an organization and a community “All our attention is with you. We see you and we seek to discover your needs, to see your fears, to acknowledge your mistakes and accept them. We accept you for who you are and you are a part of us.”
The Sawubona program is designed to "Be the Healing" by empowering Black students and their families with the knowledge and tools to navigate the system that negatively impacts educational outcomes. We do this by creating a space for voices and action in our schools and community. This space provides opportunities to advocate needs, disparities and injustices that impact the educational and overall growth of students and their families. Our program allows Black students to have support and see a stronger representation of themselves within the school system.
Program Offerings
Positive self identity and self advocacy by creating space in community schools for our language of learning and belonging through advocacy groups, events, and culturally identified support
Parent support such as engagement opportunities and life resources through health and wellness, financial literacy and community based giving
Family/community engagement through events and experiences as we continue to uplift our village at a city and state level
School support services for children and families through partnerships with Portland school districts
Impact the educational and overall growth of Black students and their families
Foster an effective relationship between parents of Black students & educators
Improving life outcomes for Black youth
For more information contact Sawubona@thebpi.org